Billion Dollar Whale PDF Download

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Billion Dollar Whale PDF

Book Details

Book TitleBillion Dollar Whale
AuthorTom Wright & Bradley Hope
GenresNon-Fiction, Self-Help, Finance
PublisherHachette Book Group
Total Page256 Pages

About Book

Billion Dollar Whale PDF Download

“Billion Dollar Whale” is a non-fiction book based on the massive financial scam of a man named Jho Low who defrauded many people and stole billions of dollars from a fund created to help the people of Malaysia. This fund was called 1MDB and was meant to support the country’s economy, but Jho Low used it to fund his lavish lifestyle, buying expensive properties, throwing big parties and even funding Hollywood movies and creating fake companies.

He created shell companies and by using false identities, and befriending powerful people, he lured people around so that he could continue his frauds for years. The Billion Dollar Whale book PDF story shows how easily one’s trust can be abused and how important it is to be cautious in financial matters which is suitable for readers interested in true crime, financial scandals, and investigative journalism.

Billion Dollar Whale PDF Download

Billion Dollar Whale PDF

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