The Untethered Soul PDF Free Download Book By Michael

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The Untethered Soul PDF

Book Details

Book TitleThe Untethered Soul: The Journey Beyond Yourself
AuthorMichael Alan Singer
PublisherNew Harbinger
GenresSelf Help
Total Page146 Pages
Last Update11 Sep 2024

About Book

The Untethered Soul PDF Free Download
The Untethered Soul Book

This book The Untethered Soul PDF Book is about your inner happiness, which will help you find peace of mind and happiness. The purpose of this book is to understand that a person should realize himself before looking outside and to do this we have to learn to observe our inner voice, the author calls this voice the inner roommate.

If you want to hear this voice, then you can sit quietly and listen for some time, you will hear some voices, people also understand the voice of their mind from this, but it is very different from us.

If you see someone buying a good thing, then this voice tells us out of his jealousy, you also have to buy it too, and better than that, if we want to control this thing, then we have to understand that it is not us, it is our inner roommate.

The author says that there is inner energy inside all people, but we do not know how to use it. Whenever a negative thought comes into your mind, then you bring some other thought to remove it so that you can control your thoughts and mind, by doing this you can feel very weak sometimes.

If the inner energy inside you is always good, then you will always feel happy and inspired, so that every moment of you will be exciting. The Untethered Soul PDF book will help you learn to control this inner energy, it will help you in understanding many new things about your inner soul so that you always feel happy and inspired.

About Author

Michael A. Singer Free book
Michael A. Singer (Author)

Michael Alan Singer is the author of this book, he was born on 6 May 1947, He is a journalist, motivational speaker, former software developer, and American author. Michael is the author of two New York Times bestsellers books “The Untethered Soul” and “The Surrender Experiment”.

Michael has completed his master’s degree in economics from the University of Florida and while attending university he also focuses on yoga and meditation. This knowledge inspired him to establish the Temple of the Universe in 1975, a meditation centre open to men and women of all beliefs and religions who seek inner peace in the world.

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