The Willpower Instinct PDF Download

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The Willpower Instinct PDF

Book Details

Book TitleThe Willpower Instinct
AuthorKelly McGonigal
GenresSelf-Help, Psychology
PublisherPenguin Group
Total Page271 Pages

About Book

The Willpower Instinct PDF

The Willpower Instinct PDF by Kelly McGonigal is a helpful book for understanding and improving self-control. Author McGonigal blends insights from psychology, neuroscience, and real-life examples to show how our brains function when we face temptation or challenges. One of the essential points the author introduces is that willpower is influenced by many factors, including stress, sleep, and even the food we eat.

The author describes that willpower is influenced by many factors, including stress, sleep, and even the food we eat. The book also explains the concept of “I will, I won’t, I want” which challenges us to focus on what we want to do, what we want to avoid doing, and what our long-term goals are, making it easier to stay on the path. The Willpower Instinct Book PDF encourages readers to be mindful of their choices, understand the triggers behind their behaviours, and use this awareness to create positive changes in their lives.

The Willpower Instinct PDF Download

The Willpower Instinct PDF Download

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