List of Books Written By Kalidas: Best Epics, Plays & Poetry

If you are searching for the List of Books Written By Kalidas, then you are at the right place here we share the complete list in the bottom section.

Step into the realm of ancient India, where the fragrance of poetic verses lingers in the air and the stage is set for tales that transcend time. In this captivating world, one name stands above all others: Kalidasa. A master of words and emotions, Kalidasa’s literary genius has left an indelible mark on the tapestry of human storytelling. From epic poems that exalt divine heroes to plays that unravel the intricacies of mortal hearts, his works carry us on a journey through the essence of life itself. Join me as we unlock the door to Kalidasa’s enchanted realm, where passion, beauty, and the eternal dance of human experience await our eager hearts.

Within the verses penned by Kalidasa, nature becomes a living, breathing entity, and love is a force that transcends boundaries. Through his poetry, we find solace in the whispers of passing clouds, witness the seasons unfolding as a reflection of our own joys and sorrows, and step into the courts of ancient kings where love and destiny collide. Kalidasa’s words have the power to transport us to a world where gods and mortals intertwine, where emotions run deep, and where the human spirit finds expression in every carefully chosen phrase. Embark on this journey with me, and together, we shall unravel the timeless tales spun by the master storyteller himself.

List of All Books Written By Kalidas

List of Books Written By Kalidas
List of Books Written By Kalidas

Here is the List of all books written by Kalidas:

Book CoverTitleBuy Links
Epic Poems
Kumarasambhava (The Birth of Kumara)1) Kumarasambhava (The Birth of Kumara)Check Here
Raghuvansh (Sanskrit Classics) (Hindi)2) Raghuvamsha (Dynasty of Raghu)Check Here
Minor Poems
Meghaduta1) Meghaduta (The Cloud Messenger)Check Here
Ritusamhara2) Ritusamhara (The Gathering of the Seasons)Check Here
3) Kalidasa Sutra (also known as Dhwanyaloka)Check Here
Abhijnana Shakuntalam 1) Abhijnana Shakuntalam (The Recognition of Shakuntala)Check Here
Vikramorvasiyam2) Vikramorvasiyam (Pertaining to Vikrama and Urvashi)Check Here
Malavikagnimitram (Malavika and Agnimitra)3) Malavikagnimitram (Malavika and Agnimitra)Check Here
Shakuntala (translated version)Check Here

In the below article, we explore the short details of the List of Books Written By Kalidas.

Epic Poems

Kumarasambhava (The Birth of Kumara)

Kumarasambhava, also known as “The Birth of Kumara,” is an epic poem attributed to the legendary poet Kalidasa. This exquisite composition narrates the captivating story of the birth and heroic exploits of Kumara, the warrior god also known as Skanda or Kartikeya. The poem takes us on a mythical journey, as Kumara emerges as the divine son of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati.

In Kumarasambhava, we witness the young Kumara’s valor and divine destiny unfold. With the purpose of slaying the formidable demon Taraka, he embarks on a momentous quest, facing formidable challenges and displaying extraordinary strength. Kalidasa’s lyrical verses paint vivid images of celestial battles, invoking the grandeur and awe-inspiring power of the gods. Through intricate poetic descriptions, the poem captures the essence of Kumara’s birth, his heroic deeds, and his ultimate triumph over the forces of evil, leaving an indelible impression on readers with its divine tapestry of emotions, action, and devotion.

Raghuvamsha (Dynasty of Raghu)

Raghuvamsha, also known as the “Dynasty of Raghu,” is an epic poem composed by the legendary poet Kalidasa. This majestic work weaves a compelling narrative that traces the lineage of the illustrious Solar dynasty, with a primary focus on the great king Raghu and his descendants. Through vivid verses, Kalidasa brings to life the heroic exploits, grandeur, and glory of the kings who shaped the dynasty.

Raghuvamsha takes readers on a captivating journey through generations, depicting the triumphs, trials, and extraordinary accomplishments of these royal figures. King Dilipa and his valiant son King Raghu stand as central figures, embodying the virtues of honor, valor, and benevolence. Kalidasa’s exquisite poetic expressions paint vibrant portraits of royal courts, epic battles, and tales of love and sacrifice. The poem serves as a powerful testament to the rich heritage of the Solar dynasty, immersing readers in a world where divine lineage and mortal heroism intertwine to create an awe-inspiring tapestry of Indian history and mythology.

Minor Poems

Meghaduta (The Cloud Messenger)

Meghaduta, translated as “The Cloud Messenger,” is a lyrical masterpiece by Kalidasa. This enchanting composition tells the tale of a celestial being, a Yaksha, who has been separated from his beloved and exiled to a distant land. Overwhelmed by longing, he spots a raincloud passing by and entrusts it with a heartfelt message for his beloved. The cloud becomes the messenger, carrying his words of love and yearning across vast landscapes.

Through Meghaduta, Kalidasa weaves together the beauty of nature, the power of love, and the depths of human emotions. The verses brim with vivid descriptions of landscapes, flora, and fauna, painting a picturesque tableau that mirrors the Yaksha’s longing and transports readers to distant realms. The poet’s words evoke a profound sense of longing, as the Yaksha’s message traverses mountains, rivers, and cities, invoking a sense of hope, love, and anticipation.

Ritusamhara (The Gathering of the Seasons)

Ritusamhara, meaning “The Gathering of the Seasons,” is a poetic work by Kalidasa that celebrates the cyclical beauty of the six Indian seasons. In this composition, the poet delves into the diverse emotions, sentiments, and experiences associated with each season, creating a lyrical tapestry that immerses readers in the ebb and flow of nature’s rhythms.

With vivid imagery and evocative descriptions, Kalidasa brings the essence of each season to life. From the joyous blossoms of spring to the scorching heat of summer, from the melancholic rains of monsoon to the vibrant colors of autumn, and from the misty coolness of winter to the renewal of the seasons, Ritusamhara captures the fleeting yet profound experiences that mark the passing of time.

The work transcends mere observations of nature, delving into the human realm and the intertwining of seasons with human emotions. Kalidasa’s poetic mastery lies in his ability to evoke a range of feelings – longing, love, joy, melancholy, and introspection – through the imagery and symbolism of each season. Ritusamhara invites readers to immerse themselves in the ever-changing tapestry of seasons, contemplating the beauty and transience of life itself.

Kalidasa Sutra (also known as Dhwanyaloka)

Kalidasa Sutra, also known as Dhwanyaloka, is a profound treatise attributed to Kalidasa that explores the concept of “dhvani” (suggestion) in poetry and the realm of aesthetics. This work serves as a guide to understanding the essence of poetic suggestion and its impact on the reader or audience.

Kalidasa Sutra delves into the intricacies of poetry, dissecting the various elements that contribute to the power of suggestion. It examines the nuances of sound, imagery, figurative language, and metaphor, shedding light on their potential to evoke deeper emotions and meaning. The treatise expounds on how suggestion transcends the literal and extends into the realm of suggestion and resonance, elevating poetry to a higher plane.

Through Kalidasa Sutra, Kalidasa provides a profound insight into the art of poetry and its ability to transcend the boundaries of language and culture. The work not only offers guidance to poets and scholars but also invites readers to appreciate the subtle layers of meaning, the transformative power of suggestion, and the enduring beauty of poetry itself.


Abhijnana Shakuntalam (The Recognition of Shakuntala)

Abhijnana Shakuntalam, or “The Recognition of Shakuntala,” stands as Kalidasa’s most celebrated and renowned work. This captivating play tells the tale of Shakuntala, a young woman of divine lineage, and her love story with King Dushyanta. The narrative unfolds with their chance encounter, blossoming love, and subsequent separation due to a curse. The play’s pivotal moment comes when Shakuntala’s identity is forgotten by Dushyanta until her ring, the token of their love, is discovered, leading to the heartwarming recognition and reunion of the two lovers.

Vikramorvasiyam (Pertaining to Vikrama and Urvashi)

Vikramorvasiyam, meaning “Pertaining to Vikrama and Urvashi,” is a compelling play by Kalidasa that explores the timeless theme of love between mortals and celestial beings. The play centers around the romance between King Pururavas and the celestial nymph Urvashi. It delves into their passionate love, the trials they face, and their eventual reunion after a period of separation. The play showcases Kalidasa’s skill in interweaving mythology, romance, and human emotions, creating a riveting narrative that engages the audience.

Malavikagnimitram (Malavika and Agnimitra)

Malavikagnimitram, also known as “Malavika and Agnimitra,” is a captivating play by Kalidasa. Set in a royal court, it revolves around the romantic relationship between King Agnimitra and the dancer Malavika. The play encompasses themes of love, mistaken identities, courtly intrigues, and the complexities of human emotions. Through witty dialogue, dramatic twists, and vivid characterization, Kalidasa weaves a story that captures the essence of love’s transformative power and the obstacles that often accompany it. Malavikagnimitram showcases Kalidasa’s ability to blend humor, romance, and social commentary, resulting in a compelling and entertaining play.



Shakuntala, the timeless masterpiece by Kalidasa, has captivated audiences across the world and inspired numerous translations. The play, also known as “Abhijnanasakuntalam,” tells the poignant story of Shakuntala, a young woman of divine lineage, and her love for King Dushyanta. Translations of this remarkable work have allowed a wider audience to experience the timeless beauty of Kalidasa’s creation.

In the translated versions of Shakuntala, the power of Kalidasa’s poetic genius transcends language barriers. Through skillful adaptation, different authors have brought the captivating narrative to life in various languages, offering readers the opportunity to delve into the world of ancient Indian literature. The translated versions retain the essence of the original play, capturing the emotional depth, intricate character development, and dramatic twists that make Shakuntala a literary masterpiece. These translations serve as a testament to the enduring universal appeal of the play, as readers from different cultures and backgrounds can immerse themselves in the enchanting story of love, recognition, and the triumph of true devotion.

These are the List of Books Written By Kalidas hope you like them.


In the realm of literature, the books written by Kalidasa stand as timeless gems that continue to shine through the ages. Through his epic poems, minor verses, captivating plays, and profound translations, Kalidasa’s literary genius has left an indelible mark on the world of literature. From the mythical tales of gods and heroes to the delicate nuances of human emotions and the beauty of nature, Kalidasa’s works offer a profound exploration of the human experience.

As we conclude our journey through the books written by Kalidasa, we are left in awe of his poetic mastery and profound insights. His works have the power to transport us to enchanting realms, invoking a range of emotions and inspiring contemplation. Whether it is the grandeur of epic poems like Kumarasambhava and Raghuvamsha, the lyrical beauty of Meghaduta and Ritusamhara, the captivating dramas of Abhijnanasakuntalam, Vikramorvasiyam, and Malavikagnimitram, or the translations that have expanded the reach of his works, Kalidasa’s literary legacy remains unparalleled. These books continue to engage and inspire readers, reminding us of the timeless power of art and the enduring relevance of Kalidasa’s words.

In the vast tapestry of literary brilliance, Kalidasa’s books hold a special place, inviting us to immerse ourselves in the magic of his words and experience the beauty of ancient India’s rich cultural heritage. As we bid farewell to the works of Kalidasa, we carry with us a profound appreciation for his contributions to world literature and a renewed sense of wonder at the enduring power of his storytelling.

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