Hero Of Olympus The House Of Hades PDF Book Download

If you are searching for Rick Riordan’s Hero Of Olympus The House Of Hades PDF Book Download, then you are at the right place here we share the complete free PDF file in the bottom section.

The House Of Hades PDF

Book Details

Book TitleThe House Of Hades
AuthorRick Riordan
Total Page358 Pages
Last Updated17 Sep 2024

About Book

Hero Of Olympus The House Of Hades Free PDF
Hero Of Olympus The House Of Hades

Rick Riordan’s next series, The House of Hades PDF Book is finally here it is the fourth book in the Heroes of Olympus series, a part of the overall Percy Jackson and the Olympians series. The book is about the journey of the seven demigods and their fight against the Gorgon.

The House of Hades is the fourth book written by Rick Riordan based on Greek mythology. This book is a fantasy novel where the main characters are the Greek demigods and the Gods. The book begins just where the last book left off, with the defeat of Kronos, the Lord of Time and Space.

Rick Riordan is one of the best-selling authors in the world. His book The House of Hades has broken the record for being the first book to sell one million copies in the first week of its release in the US and UK. It was released on October 8, 2013. This book series has gained much popularity, with The House of Hades selling more than 1.9 million copies. All books have been bestsellers on the New York Times list.


Rick Riordan (Author)
Rick Riordan (Author)

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