Icebreaker Hannah Grace PDF Download

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Icebreaker Hannah Grace PDF

Book Details

Book TitleIcebreaker
AuthorHannah Grace
PublisherPig & Bear Publishing
Publication Date2022
Total Page460 Pages

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Icebreaker Hannah Grace PDF Download
Icebreaker Hannah Grace PDF Download

Icebreaker Hannah Grace PDF” is a captivating college romance novel that revolves around the lives of Anastasia Allen and Nathan Hawkins. Anastasia, a determined figure skater with her sights set on Team USA, arrives at the University of California, Maple Hills, armed with a full scholarship and an unwavering dedication to win.

On the other hand, Nathan is the confident and responsible captain of the Maple Hills Titans hockey team, fully aware of the burden of leading his team to victory. Their worlds collide when circumstances force the hockey and figure skating teams to share the same rink, triggering a clash of personalities and passions.

Despite their initial animosity, Anastasia and Nathan discover an absolute attraction as they spend more time together. Both share a deep passion for their respective sports, a competitive spirit, and a strong work ethic. As they get to know each other better, their mindsets shift, and they begin to see the common ground they share. However, the path to love is filled with obstacles. Their distinct worlds and individual career goals complicate their budding romance.

Anastasia is dedicated to her figure skating career, while Nathan is committed to making his mark in hockey. Icebreaker Hannah Grace PDF is a heartwarming tale of love blossoming in unexpected places, where two individuals, driven by their dreams, must navigate their diverging paths and determine whether they can make their relationship work against the odds. This college romance story emphasizes the themes of pursuing one’s aspirations, conquering obstacles, and discovering true love amidst contrasting ambitions.

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