The Five Dysfunctions Of A Team PDF Download

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The Five Dysfunctions Of A Team PDF

Book Details

Book TitleThe Five Dysfunctions Of A Team
AuthorPatrick Lencioni
GenresBusiness, Leadership
Total Page242 Pages

About Book

The Five Dysfunctions Of A Team PDF Download

The Five Dysfunctions of a Team PDF Book by Patrick Lencioni is a widespread business book that studies the common problems teams face when working together. These include lack of confidence, trust, fear of conflict, lack of commitment, and inattention to results. Each dysfunction builds on the previous one, creating a cycle that prevents any team from reaching its potential.

Author Lencioni explains that trust is the foundation of a successful team, without trust, team members are scared, and weak, leading to a lack of open communication and honest feedback. The dysfunctions occur when team members fail to hold each other responsible for their work and focus more on personal success than team achievements. The Five Dysfunctions of a Team Book PDF offers valuable advice and strategies to overcome these issues, helping teams build more powerful relationships and work more effectively together.

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