The Wall of Winnipeg And Me PDF Download

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The Wall of Winnipeg And Me PDF

Book Details

Book TitleThe Wall of Winnipeg And Me
AuthorMariana Zapata
GenresSports, Novel
Total Page440 Pages

About Book

The Wall of Winnipeg And Me PDF Download

The Wall of Winnipeg and Me by Mariana Zapata PDF Book is a romance novel that tells the story of Vanessa Mazur and Aiden Graves. Vanessa works as a personal assistant for Aiden, a professional football player known as “The Wall of Winnipeg” because of his impressive size and talent. Even after working for them for two years, Vanessa feels she is underappreciated and hence she also decides to quit her job to pursue her dreams.

However, this story takes an unexpected turn when Aiden asks her to marry him for a green card, as he needs it to stay in the United States. The story is based on themes of friendship, loyalty, and finding love in unexpected places. With its slow pace and well-developed characters, The Wall of Winnipeg and Me Book PDF presents a heartwarming and charming love story that slowly unfolds over time, making it a great read for readers interested in romance novels.

The Wall of Winnipeg And Me PDF Download

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