This is How You Lose The Time War PDF Download

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This is How You Lose The Time War PDF

Book Details

Book TitleThis is How You Lose The Time War
AuthorAmal El-Mohtar, Max Gladstone
PublisherSaga Press
Total Page137 Pages

About Book

This is How You Lose The Time War PDF Download

“This is How You Lose the Time War PDF” book is written by Amal El-Mohtar and Max Gladstone and is based on the science fiction genre. The main characters of this book are Red and Blue, who work for rival factions in a war, Red is part of the Agency which prioritizes technology and control, while Blue is part of the Garden which values ​​nature and expansion. It’s an entertaining and thought-provoking tale based on traditional science fiction, with both emotional depth and imaginative storytelling.

Red and Blue exchange many secret letters while working on their mission, which leads them to become friends. Despite being enemies, Red and Blue continue to exchange secret letters, which leads to a romantic relationship that is both good and dangerous, as they risk everything to be together. “This is How You Lose the Time War” book is for all those readers who like to read romance and science fiction stories.

This is How You Lose The Time War PDF Download

This is How You Lose The Time War PDF

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